BC Safety Charter Round Table 2018
The annual BC Safety Charter CEO Round Table will be on Thursday April 26th this year, bringing together leaders from a cross-section of BC industries focused on enhancing the Health & Safety culture at their organizations.
The format of this event will be similar to last years, incorporating networking opportunities, along with a dinner function. The 2018 BC Safety Charter Round Table is geared towards sharing, learning and networking with peers, with a focus on best-practices of Health and Safety programs at participating companies.
There will be a moderated and interactive panel, titled “Cannabis in the Workplace”, consisting of high profile professionals from different schools of thought who will inform attendees on what to expect from the upcoming changes in provincial and federal legislation.
This year’s key note speaker is Brian Anderson, Vice President Operations and Chief Operating Officer of BC Transit. He will share BC Transit’s journey to implementing an innovative Workplace Disability Prevention program, the values that made this culture changing journey possible as well as some key lessons learned. You will hear how close collaboration with leaders from all work groups made their “Stay Onboard” recovery at work program a success. You will also have the opportunity to discuss some of the challenges with a leader who was not only the sponsor but most importantly the active and visible champion of their safety and wellness programs.
This event is taking place at the Terminal City Club in downtown Vancouver. This year’s event is expected to sell out, so don’t miss out on this opportunity for your company, your company’s key Contractors or Supply Chain partners to learn and share with other high-level executives.