BC Safety Charter forum on Accountability a Success

On October 20th, a dozen BCSC Signatories met for breakfast to discuss what accountability means to them. The event was sponsored by Dan Reader of Murry Latta Machines, and facilitated by Peter Wilken, of Dolphin Brand Strategies. Signatories created group definitions of what accountability means to both the Charter, and to their employees. Not surprisingly, to the question “What does Accountability mean to the Charter”, Signatories all responded with variants of:

“Accountability to the Charter means showing up to Charter events and being an active participant.”


“Be an Ambassador. Wear your BCSC pin, talk to your peers about safety and what it means to you as a member of the Charter.”

Attendees felt that it was important that Signatories should “walk the talk” and “Share your stories and experiences so that others can learn from you”.

The flip side of the question – “What does Accountability to your employees mean” – very closely reflected the comments above, but on a more local level:

“Build a safety culture, commit and show leadership, ‘walk the talk’”

There was also a discussion that companies should “Include Health & Safety in corporate goals” and “Work towards certification.”

An online KPI Measurement tool was introduced to attendees to wrap-up to the forum. This tool is being developed to support Signatories in creating annual benchmarks, allowing them to chart their safety progress and trends. It will allow signatories to see how they compare to others in the Charter, potentially broken down by industry, size of company and other demographics.

The next BC Safety Charter Round Table will be held on April 26th, 2018, at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver. Tickets will go on sale early in the new year.