Virtual Breakfast Forum – Jan 14, 2021

Happy New Year! For our first Virtual Breakfast Forum of 2021, we enjoyed re-engaging with our members, welcoming a few new members and inviting some potential members to join our call.

Members were encouraged to share regional updates, with many reporting that things are status quo with regard to COVID-19,  and some indicating that they were very pleased with fiscal results under the circumstances. Being in BC, we seem to be in a better position than some other provinces in terms of operations continuing. However, it was noted that H&S protocols regarding COVID-19 are still very much in place.

A very interesting discussion was had around certification: is the value in the certification itself, or in the process of being certified? How is it possible to certify people for the right kind of behaviour and / or decision making? Theory may not be as important as experience.  Insurance providers do not specifically consider certifications, however it was noted that certifications do help to indicate that the organization prioritizes Health and Safety, therefore resulting in more favourable insurance terms & premiums.

We look forward to regrouping and continuing the conversation at our next Virtual Breakfast Forum, Thursday, January 28th.