Virtual Breakfast Forum – May 5, 2022


On today’s call we heard from two of our members, Dann Konkin, President, Ampco Manufacturers, and Don Bayda, CEO, F&M Installations.

Dann reports that material supply chain issues continue to keep him up at night. Because Ampco purchases materials from all of the world, they need to purchase at least 6 months in advance. Dann also reported that he noticed a 250% increase in the cost of sea freight.

Don shared that at the beginning of COVID, F&M lost about 25% of their workforce, but now things are tapering off. Because this has been F&M’s busiest year with 3 x the amount of work they normally have, they have had to hire more staff.  Don has noticed that the culture in the company has shifted with new employees coming on board.  Don has brought in a dedicated person to provide more leadership.




A  reminder of future events:

Oct. 6th, our annual Round Table takes place. We are currently looking for sponsors, speakers and topics.