Virtual Breakfast Forum – Sep 08, 2022


Thank you to all of our members who attended today’s Virtual Breakfast Forum. Today’s topic for discussion was Cell Phones, and their use when performing work tasks.

There are two different ways that workers can use their cell phones: 1) listening to podcasts or music with earbuds or headphones, 2) actively talking on the phone, watching a video or texting.

Many manufacturing jobs can be repetitive.  Listening to music or a podcast helps workers pass the time while completing these tasks. The problem is when having earbuds in they can cancel out other sounds and create dangerous situations and serious consequences, such as not hearing an alarm or direction from a supervisor. It’s important that all workers are always aware of their surroundings.

Members discussed that some organizations have strict policies around the use of cell phones, prohibiting any use of them when on the shop floor, and some have more flexible codes of conduct.

Many organizations mandate workers to leave the production area if they need to take a call or return a text. Others prohibit the use of phones while walking through a yard to ensure that everyone is actively monitoring their safety.  Forklift operators should be forbidden to use cell phones or listen to music with earbuds, but can use earplugs for hearing protection.

The use of boom boxes or radios are preferred in some cases, as the volume can be controlled, and other sounds can be detected.  Installing strobe lighting as a visual cue for alarms is another way to ensure workers are alerted to issues in the facility.

Members were encouraged to complete regular fire drills in their facilities, which can help expose earbud usage being an issue. Managers can watch the drill with the intent to notice if there are any safety concerns. This could be a great way to call attention to this issue with staff who push back on these policies, when able to prove that using earbuds prevented swift attention to a dangerous situation.


Registration for the Round Table is now open. Please register as soon as possible, and all members are encouraged to bring a guest.