BC Safety Charter forum on Safety Succession Planning a success
On Friday February 2nd 10 BC Safety Charter Signatories met at the Surewerx offices in Coquitlam for breakfast and to hear recent member Clive Shephard’s journey of “Safety Succession Planning”. Clive shared with members how he joined Surewerx, what qualities he brings to the position and what the company saw in him. He continued with what Surewerx does to encourage a strong employee safety culture and used many anecdotal stories to emphasize his points. It was a very detailed and interesting presentation with many “golden nuggets” that attendees were able to take back to their organizations.
A working session was held, wherein attendees discussed what they had learned from Clive and what they can/do to encourage Safety Leadership in their organizations. Signatories can see the results of this session on our LinkedIn Group: BC Safety Charter.
Thank you to Clive and all his staff at Surewerx for hosting a great morning of learning, sharing and networking. More similar events are being planned for after the Round Table.
The next BC Safety Charter Round Table will be held on April 26th, 2018, at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver. Tickets will go on sale soon.