A planning session was held in 2012 with inaugural BC Safety Charter members to develop a plan to achieve the BC Safety Charter mission. At this session a BC Safety Charter Steering Committee was struck and identified and supported by the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC.
On November 4th, 2019, the BC Safety Charter achieved its goal of becoming incorporated as its own society, and now does business as “The Executive Health and Safety Council of BC”, with a full board of directors. Members still sign the “BC Safety Charter” and membership has become more diversified, with representative industry leaders on the board from Manufacturing, Construction, Alternative power and the Electrical industries.

Perry McDougall
Chair, Board of Directors

Cameron Stockdale
Vice Chair, Board of Directors

Ben Hume
Chair, Membership Committee

Matt Williams

Scott Bax

Abraham van Poortvliet

Tim Croyle

Anna-Maria Parente

Allison Straghan

Taylor Wylie

George Higgins
Executive Director
Are you interested in joining the Executive Health and Safety Council of BC Board of Directors?
Download the Nomination Form and submit it to us for consideration.