Second “Virtual Breakfast Forum” produces great results


Sharing and learning from others’ experiences has always been a primary aspect of the Executive Health and Safety Council of BC.  The second “Virtual Breakfast Forum” was a great example of business leaders coming together to talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been impacting their businesses and changed how business is being done.  Special thanks to Brian Wall for sharing some of his action plans and alerting members to the “COVID-19 hotline”, a number you can call for non-medical/ non-emergency information.  1-800-COVID19.  (1-800-268 4319).

Some of the many takeaways from this meeting included:

  • Some members are starting to see slowdowns in their industries, having to make budget forecasts on shorter timelines (looking weeks in advance as opposed to months/years in advance). Cash flow is also being closely monitored.
  • People are adjusting well to working from home. It is no longer “Stuck at home” but “Safe at home”.  Some at-home workers are having to re-equip their home offices – “technology is king” and gaps have been identified.  “Working from home is now a normal thing”.
  • More members are retooling to supply Personal Protection Equipment – internally, for retail and for government distribution. Specific examples were given of companies making plastic face shields.
  • WorkSafe BC is still performing site visits/ inspections, both in person and virtually. The EHSCBC is investigating hosting a forum with WSBC to hear about inspections and new policies including premium deferrals.
  • Members are seeing new processes and expectations when working at client sites (where and when they are able), including temperature checks, new forms and check-in information.
  • Good communications are still very important
  • Some concern was expressed about supply chain management, and not always being able to get what you need locally.
  • Protocols on “what to do if someone on your team gets sick” were discussed and how to manage specific instances.

The group was encouraged to hear that others were facing similar issues and that some had already found ways to adjust to them.  The sharing, mentoring and learning was appreciated by all and all attendees actively participated in the conversation.  The next event will be held on April 23rd at 8:00 am.  We are working on having a guest speaker at this session.