Background and Overview
The Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC is the host organization for the BC Safety Charter. The Alliance was established in 2007 with an inaugural mandate to reduce the high injury rate in the food processing sector and expanded in 2010 and again in 2012 to include 18 classification units in the manufacturing sector. The Alliance operates on a province-wide basis and represents over 2000 employers in British Columbia.
In 2008, the Alliance observed a health & safety knowledge gap through consultations with CEOs and in response the concept of a Safety Charter was identified and successfully executed in 2011. A total of 23 member signatories was obtained at the inaugural BC Safety Charter event and formed the foundation for our present commitment of 150 BC Safety Charter signatories.
The BC Safety Charter Steering Committee was formed in 2012 with the objective of developing a plan to achieve the BC Safety Charter mission. The initial 2012-2014 Action Plan created by the seven member steering committee was successfully executed and in July 2014 the Action Plan was reviewed and updated resulting in the BC Safety Charter Action Plan 2015-2017.
Planning Process
The BC Safety Charter developed its first Action Plan in 2012 through discussions with the inaugural signatories. The 2012-2014 Action Plan, which focused on a number of key action initiatives and as approved by the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC board, acts as the foundation for the 2015-2017 Action Plan.
The Action Plan provides the basis for developing annual business plans and will be reviewed annually by the BC Safety Charter Steering Committee to ensure that activities are consistent with its direction and that emerging issues are being addressed.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Within our planning framework, it is important that we have a set of specific measurable indicators that can be used to assess our progress towards the attainment of our Vision, Mission and Core Values.
We aim to increase the number of signatories by 30 annually from 150 in 2015 to 210 total in 2017 and within the growth of the Charter membership to see the number of Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC members maintained at 80%. We expect to see an increase in CEO participation in BC Safety Charter activities among our signatories from 80% in 2015 to 90% in 2017.
One of the goals of BC Safety Charter members is to build a health and safety management system to the Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence (OSSE) or equivalent standard. We expect the number of BC Safety Charter members pursuing the OSSE Journey or becoming OSSE certified to increase from 60% to 80% from 2015-2017.
We are looking to see a positive trend improvement annually in organizations who have completed the KPI Improvement Index as well as a statistically significant increase in safety performance results by charter member organizations compared to non-signatory organizations in BC.
Finally, revenue improvements from charter programs and services are targeted at 10% more revenue in each subsequent year for 2015, 2016 and 2017.
The Steering Committee produced a set of four Core Strategic Initiatives that incorporate the various activities and services utilized to advance the initiative throughout the year. Resources within the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC 3-year Strategic Plan have been allocated to support the initiative.
The BC Safety Charter 2015-2017 Action Plan identifies four Core Action Initiatives with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) attached to assess our progress towards the attainment of our Vision, Mission and Core Values.
Defined action items were developed for our core initiatives of Outreach, Education, Measurement and Financial Management.
Outreach Strategy
Increasing engagement among CEOs and industry leaders requires a focused outreach strategy. The 2015-2017 Action Plan has identified the goal of increasing the number of BC Safety Charter signatories to 150 in 2015, 180 in 2016 and 210 in 2017. Additionally, we are targeting an annual 5% increase in CEO signatory participation to reach 90% by 2017.
Our strategy to increase the number of signatories begins with conducting 50 individual consultations with follow ups annually as well as developing and launching a BC Safety Charter member referral program in 2015.
Our presence will be noticed throughout the province as we host four breakfast sessions annually and conduct Town Hall Sessions in regions of BC to promote the work and activities of the BC Safety Charter. These outreach initiatives are in addition to our annual OSSE Awards Gala which will incorporate the BC Safety Charter content starting in 2015.
In 2015 we will be evaluating our endorsement agreement with Trevor Linden and will be implementing recommendations in subsequent years.
We will continue to engage our members through our monthly e-newsletters and by maintaining a current BC Safety Charter Website through the conclusion of this Action Plan.
Education Strategy
Critical to the success of the BC Safety Charter initiative is empowering our existing signatories to act as advocates for our Vision, Mission and Core Values. When the leaders of organizations buy in to the culture of health and safety there is an immediate positive effect that permeates through the rest of the company.
The 2015-2017 Action Plan identifies a KPI reaching 80 Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC member organizations where the CEO has signed the BC Safety Charter and increasing the percentage of signatories who achieved OSSE certification or are actively pursuing that goal. In 2016 we will be developing a process to support BC Safety Charter signatories, regardless of their industry, in the process starting the journey to OSSE or other equivalent standards.
We will position ourselves to succeed by aligning new signatories with industry leaders who have already completed the OSSE Journey and can testify to the positive effect the process had on their operations. Our mentoring program for CEOs will be established in 2015 and maintained through 2017. A key component of our educational KPI is the establishment of OHS Peer Groups and we will help facilitate multiple peer to peer sessions annually. Finally, we aim to inspire our BC Safety Charter signatories with annual Executive Transformational Leadership sessions.
Measurement Strategy
Starting in 2016 we will begin the process of obtaining completed Key Performance Indicator assessments for each BC Safety Charter member. A baseline for the BC Safety Charter initiative will be established in 2017 using academic data in collaboration with an academic institution.
We will have reached our KPI goal by seeing higher safety performance results by charter member organizations compared to non-signatory organizations in BC and by measuring a scoring improvement by organizations that have completed the KPI Improvement Index.
With key BC Safety Charter data collected we will be positioned to identify trends and in 2017 we will put that knowledge to use in determining future program and resource development.
Financial Management Strategy
The solvency of the BC Safety Charter is critical to our Vision, Mission and Core Values. Annually, the BCSC Steering Committee will develop a budget and assess progress.
New revenue generating programs will be developed annually and will support the BC Safety Charter initiative with the goal of a 10% year-over-year net revenue improvement from Charter programs and services.