Virtual Breakfast Forum – Feb 25, 2021

Thanks to everyone that joined us on this week’s Virtual Breakfast Forum. We enjoyed hearing from our members about a few questions that George asked at the start of the call.

As a member – are you getting what you want / what you need?

Unanimously, the group reported that every single meeting has something that they can take back to their organizations and either implement or bear in mind for the future. Members are finding a lot of value from these meetings.  It was agreed that while there are many benefits from meeting in person, there is tremendous value in having virtual meetings such as not having additional costs or travel time spent.

Any forums members would like to see in the future?

There was some discussion about the Mental Health of leaders and employees, continuously being a topic that affects everyone. It is important that you take care of yourselves or you won’t be any good to anyone else.  We’re not in competition when it comes to safety. We are all here to share and learn from each other.

As members, if you find you have something specific that you want to discuss in depth at a general discussion Breakfast Forum, email George in advance to suggest that it be the main topic of discussion.

Any stories to share?

One member reported that their organization is experiencing issues around employees’ willingness to travel for real business needs. Some members reported having the same issues, and their solution was to find a local reliable partner to do the work on-site and have the visit be done virtually in partnership with them. Some members are reporting that this type of partnership even increases their business!

Looking ahead to the next few months, George shared some updates on the plans for future events:

Technical Safety BC will be presenting at the Virtual Breakfast Forum on March 11th, discussing the “Fernie Incident”. Members will learn what happened, what was done about it, and what was learned from it.

The EHSCBC’s AGM will be on April 22nd and will be incorporated into a Virtual Breakfast Forum. The AGM will be approximately 20 mins which will allow us to still have a chance to talk about issues/topics.

Threads of Life (an organization that works with individuals and the families of people that have had traumatic incidents from workplace accidents) is holding a virtual event on May 1 & 2nd.  They are looking for corporate sponsorship and attendance.  More information will be shared in the next e-blast.

George made a call out for new board and committee members, as the EHSCBC is looking for “new blood”. If any member is interested in getting more involved, please let George know. As always, the organization is membership-driven, and more members are needed. We require your participation to keep membership growing – it’s as simple as sending a virtual introduction to George and Ben and they’ll take it from there.

We hope to see you at our next session on March 11th!