5K Steps For Life May 3

Maureen-ShawMaureen Shaw’s son Marc received life-altering injuries while working for an oil exploration company. When freeze-thaw conditions caused blasts from the ‘shots’ of dynamite to float to the surface, Marc was on top of the shot – an injury that resulted in the amputation of his right leg.

On May 3, Metro Vancouver will host Steps for Life – Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy. Family and friends affected by workplace injury, illness, and death will walk along with injury prevention champions and labour and business leaders. Metro Vancouver will participate in this annual event along with more than 35 other communities across the country.

All proceeds from Steps for Life events will support families of workplace tragedy with Threads of Life Family Support programs and services.


5K Steps for Life–Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy fundraising event to help families of workplace tragedy and raise awareness about the national issue of workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths. Raising pledges and awareness, local companies participate to demonstrate their commitment to health and safety and help support families of workplace tragedy. Visit stepsforlife.ca/locations to see which local Metro Vancouver business leaders are engaged in the Corporate Challenge.


Every working day, three Canadians die in a workplace fatality, or from a life-altering injury or occupational disease (average fatalities taken from National Work Injury, Disease and Fatality Statistics Publication, Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), www.awcbc.org). The “ripple effect” of each workplace tragedy extends from the worker affected to their family, friends, co-workers, and the surrounding community.


Threads of Life Family Spokesperson Maureen Shaw. Family members and friends who have been impacted by workplace tragedies will walk alongside employers, employees, students, representatives from injury prevention organizations and anyone who believes workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths are not an acceptable ‘cost of business’.


5/3/2015, Registration opens at 9 a.m.; Walk kicks off at approx. 10 a.m.


Burnaby Lake Regional Park, West Complex Rugby Field

Shaw says, “The reasons for being committed to supporting the vision of Threads of Life is simple. The magnitude of injuries, death and illness at work is still huge – too many lives lost and turned upside down. Tragedies that can be prevented. The pain and loss to families, friends and our communities is too large, too painful to not get behind and support this amazing organization that has made a difference to the lives of thousands of people, families across this country. I know, as a professional and as a mother of a young man who in an instant had his life changed. Threads of Life is needed today and tomorrow to help people to grieve and to heal to raise awareness about prevention. We must all get behind this dedicated group of people to make a difference in the lives lost and left.”