2015 Roundtable A Success

The 2015 BC Safety Charter Roundtable, held at the Delta Hotel and Conference Centre Thursday, April 30, was another big success. Keynote speaker Brian Scudamore addressed delegates on the topic of transformational leadership and the ways in which high impact leadership can transform an organization.

A lively and interesting presentation, Scudamore’s address drew a number of questions from the audience, many of whom were fascinated by his inspiring example of entrepreneurship and leadership.

For the CEOs and senior executives of the Charter, who are committed to creating a safe and healthy workplace culture, Scudamore’s discussion of the importance of leadership in changing corporate culture was inspiring.

Delegates were also introduced to the new World Café format of engagement through structured conversation lead by SME Strategy Management Consulting.

The audience was divided in to three groups in order to discuss three separate topics with facilitators taking down notes on significant points and questions raised during the discussions.

During the second half of the World Café, results of the session were collected, organized and prepared for a report, a copy of which each delegate will receive.

After the World Café, a CEO panel made up of Dave McAnerney, President and CEO of SunRype, Frank Saunders, VP of Bruce Power, Dr. Hans-Juergen Bischoff, Director General, of ISSA, Germany, and Hugo Shaw discussed transformational leadership in health and safety. The panel was moderated by Maureen Shaw, former Preseident and CEO of the Onductrial Accident Prevention Association.

Charter Membership

Charter membership has risen dramatically in the last two years as business leaders from across BC join the movement to reduce injury rates and make worker health and safety core corporate values.

The Charter was launched in 2011 and has grown to include more than 100 companies and organizations such as RIO Tinto Alcan, BC Hydro and Overwaitea Foods. Since its launch in 2011 the BC Safety Charter has been recognized both nationally and internationally and has been described as one of the most significant business initiatives in Western Canada.

“We are committed to driving that safety culture message home across all industries, businesses, organizations and communities in BC through our commitment to corporate and social responsibility,” says Charter Steering Committee Chair Ben Hume.
