FIOSA-MIOSA Introduces Pinnacle Awards

This year’s OSSE Awards Gala will see a record number of companies receiving their Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence (OSSE) certification but it also introduce an even higher level excellence with the new FIOSA-MIOSA Pinnacle Awards.

The Pinnacles Awards reward those who go above and beyond OSSE certification through a variety of stages. The first stage, which was recognized this year, is awarded when a company is both OSSE certified and becomes a signatory to the BC Safety Charter.

Additional stages will be added based on measurable levels of health, safety and well-being in the workplace. The awards will be handed out each year at the OSSE Awards Gala.


OSSE is BC’s solution for manufacturers seeking a comprehensive health and safety management system. OSSE offers offer significant financial rewards for successful completion of the OSSE Journey.

The program promotes equally the concept of managing health and safety with other components necessary for a successful business such as profitability and productivity.

BC Safety Charter

The BC Safety Charter represents the commitment from industry and organizational leaders to create a workplace culture based on the principle that the effective management of health and safety is essential to long term profitability and sustainability.

The Charter represents the commitment from industry and organizational leaders to create a workplace culture based on the principle that the effective management of health and safety is essential to long term profitability and sustainability.
