BC Jobs Plan Discounted Training Opportunities

As a result of the Canada – BC Job Grant* program FIOSA-MIOSA members can qualify for a 2/3 rebate of the cost of all training, up to a maximum of $10,000 per employee per year.

As all companies with 20 full-time equivalent employees or more must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) and, as each employer must offer all employees eight hours of training per year, this program makes perfect sense and makes training very cost effective.

A typical one-day FIOSA-MIOSA training course costs $1,100. Using this program you would receive a refund of $733.00, so that the actual cost of the course would only be $367.00.

In addition, we have developed training packages for those wishing to purchase two courses or more from us per year:

  1. One Course – $1100 with 2/3 rebate from the Govt. = You Pay $367
  2. Two Courses – $1000 per course with 2/3 rebate from the Govt. = You Pay $333 per course
  3. Three Courses – $900 per course with 2/3 rebate from the Govt. = You Pay $300 per course
  4. Four Courses – $800 per course with 2/3 rebate from the Govt. = You Pay $267 per course

Should you wish to take advantage of these Governmentt funds, we can assist in completing the forms they require. Simply call Jennifer or Patti at 604.858.9979 for further information.

We have limited training capabilities, so we are operating on a first come, first served basis.

* The Canada – BC Job Grant program, funded by the *Government of Canada and administered by the Province of BC, is an innovative cost-sharing program that helps BC employers offset the cost of training for new or current employees by sharing the cost of employee training. Employers can receive up to two-thirds of the cost of training to a maximum government contribution of $10,000 per grant. The amount of the grant is per individual to be trained. Employers must contribute the remaining one-third. Currently, there are no limits on the number of grants an employer can receive.

Employers are responsible for the full cost of the training upfront. The employer will be reimbursed 2/3 of the cost of training within 60 days of the first day of training (provided the employer has submitted the Reimbursement Request form).

The process to apply for this program has three steps and all documents are included in the one package:

  • Eligibility Checklist
  • Preliminary Employer Application
  • Preliminary Participant Application

Take advantage of these significant reimbursements of training costs. We can assist in completing the forms required.

Simply call Jennifer or Patti at 604.858.9979 for further information.