Members Enjoy Weekly Calls

Members have been really enjoying our video weekly calls, and participants have been getting a lot out of sharing successes and opportunities with each other. With many of us shifting focus as to how to re-open our organizations, it was decided that we will continue our calls on a bi-weekly basis beginning in June. Next week on our call, we are thrilled to revisit the 2019 Round Table keynote speech by Greg Stewart from Sinclar Forest Products Group. The video is just over an hour-long, and Greg will host a live Q&A period immediately following. We hope that you will join us for a dynamic and riveting call that will be time well spent.

This time, discussion revolved around updates from each of our members. While it has been a tough few months for many, everyone is feeling cautiously optimistic that the return to work will be smooth, provided that organizations do not proceed too quickly.  One important consideration when re-opening offices is that we can’t control what people do on their own time, or where they stop off on their way to work, which could increase exposure. People take for granted that they have been staying at home which can be a safe environment, but reinforcing the idea of coming straight to work with no stop-offs can significantly limit further exposure. Many of our participants have decided not to re-open hastily, but rather to wait a few weeks after other organizations re-open to better evaluate the risk.


A few interesting statistics were shared during our call:

  • BIV digital report announced new CEO of YVR Tamara Vrooman will be starting this summer. It’s reported that YVR is expecting passengers going through the airport to drop from 26m/y to 10-12m/y.
  • It took approximately 4 years for the travel industry to bounce back to normalcy following 9/11
  • During the Spanish flu pandemic, the 2nd wave death rate was 5 times greater than first. This simply reinforces the reasoning for not going back to work too soon.

Workshare has been approved for a number of our participating organizations which has helped keep things afloat. The government has loosened the criteria for eligibility. Organizations no longer have to prove a year-over-year reduction of revenue, so anyone is entitled to apply for this program.

It is widely agreed that discussions surrounding mental health are vital at this time. Returning to work can be a stressful situation, or even continuing to work from home when staff are typically travelling or having to juggle childcare and work/life balance. Keep yourselves healthy to make sure you can keep others healthy and support them on this journey too. Remember: take care of yourselves too!

There are also webinars that are available from Diversified Rehabilitation to share with your employees and teams – you can find the link here.

On May 28th Dr. Joti Samra will be sharing a timely presentation on Mental Health. More information to come on this meeting.

We look forward to having you join our next week’s call and video presentation/Q&A with Greg Stewart from Sinclar. Please feel free to invite anyone you think would benefit from this presentation, and this opportunity can provide great value to potential new members.