“Recover at work” breakfast forum a success.

On Wednesday March 6th BCSC Signatories met to learn about the “Recover at Work” program at the Great Little Box Company. Host Nick Reiach, VP Operations at GLBC introduced participants to the program, bringing in his team and the on-site physiotherapist group as resources. A great deal of discussion was held around how a program like this makes sense, is good for business and great for moral.

An interesting conversation was held around the cost of implementing this program, and Nick walked us through (with the consultants from Physiofocus) a cost benefits analysis.

Using an example of a business with 300 employees, an average income of $60,000 and a WCB rate of 3%, the business can expect to pay $540,000 annually. With a good recover at work program in place this premium can be reduced to as low as $270,000. Conversely, if there is no program in place it is estimated that the premium could as much as double to over $1,000,000. Remember, these numbers are annual!

After the presentation Nick took attendees on a tour of the facilities, showing some of the in-house safety features, the latest technology and the fully equipped gym for employee use.

Thank you, Nick and Great Little Box Company!